Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Importance of Human Resource Management to an Organisation Sample

Questions: 1.What is HRM?2.What is its Importance to an Organization?3.What is its Importance to Employees? Answers: 1.Answer: Human Resource Management is primarily associated with the management of the people within a company. It mostly focuses towards the framework of policies and its adherence by the people within the organization (Johnason, 2009). Human Resource managers or HRs handle the job to monitor the behavior and motivation level of the employees and guide them to work towards the objectives set by the employer. 2Answer: HRM is important to any organization. It helps them to have strategic policies and frameworks in place. The employees of the organization work as per the policies and work together to achieve a common objective as set by the employer. The HR managers act as a partner to the delivery managers to keep everything within the purview of organizations strategies. 3.Answer: HR managers tend to review the performance of employees from time to time. Employees can raise their concern with the HR and can get a resolution for their issues (Collings, 2009). They can consult the HRs for their growth within the organization and the path which they have to follow to achieve the same. Thus, HRM is important for the employees. References Johnason, P. (2009). HRM in changing organizational contexts. London: Routledge. Collings, D. G., Wood, G. (2009). Human resource management: A critical approach. London: Routledge

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